Forms, Documents and Publications

Use this page to view and download important forms and other publications (e.g. incident reporting, workload logging, and more).

Important Forms

It is a good idea to always print a hard copy for yourself, and also to send a completed copy of the following form(s) to your Association President. Please contact us if you are unsure about a course of action, or if you need to talk about an issue.


Substitute Teacher Information


Trail Talk Newsletters - The Trail Talk newsletter is published approximately 5 times per year. A copy is sent to all PTTA Members.

Have an idea for Trail Talk? Please send an email to

Past Issues:


Who is Pembina Trails Teachers' Association?

The Pembina Trails Teachers' Association represents approximately 1200 professional staff who are employed in Pembina Trails School Division. Please call (204) 896-4857 or send an email request to:

PTTA Collective Agreement icon

PTTA announcements, news and web links icon

PTTA forms, documents, and publications icon

Pembina Trails Teachers' Association on Twitter